Sunday, September 12, 2010

Seven Intelligence Elements

We went over over the seven elements of learning/ or different ways in which students can learn. It's a funny things to learn because it puts words to the things I see myself doing already when I interact with others. Many times I arrive in a conversation and tell another about something new that I've experienced. But sometimes they don't understand and so I break it down into simpler elements and make comparisons when I can. I use logical intelligence and Constructivism. When I was sitting in a Moral Leadership lecture learning about the different learning styles as set forth using the Kolb model, I became perplexed because I thought because of the different learning types I would always alienate a large part of the class. But knowing now the 7 intelligences and 3 areas of educational psychology, I am more able to use these to better reach my future students. Bro. Wright said that if we use at least 4 of the different intelligences we'll always touch our students.

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